fobi.templatetags package


fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags module

fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags.get_fobi_plugin(parser, token)[source]

Gets the plugin. Note, that entry shall be a instance of fobi.models.FormElementEntry or fobi.models.FormHandlerEntry.


{% get_fobi_plugin entry as [context_var_name] %}


{% get_fobi_plugin entry as plugin %}

{% get_fobi_plugin entry as plugin %} {{ plugin.render }}

fobi.templatetags.future_compat module

fobi.templatetags.future_compat.firstof(parser, token, escape=False)[source]

Outputs the first variable passed that is not False, without escaping.

Outputs nothing if all the passed variables are False.

Sample usage:

{% firstof var1 var2 var3 %}

This is equivalent to:

{% if var1 %}
    {{ var1|safe }}
{% elif var2 %}
    {{ var2|safe }}
{% elif var3 %}
    {{ var3|safe }}
{% endif %}

but obviously much cleaner!

You can also use a literal string as a fallback value in case all passed variables are False:

{% firstof var1 var2 var3 "fallback value" %}

If you want to escape the output, use a filter tag:

{% filter force_escape %}
    {% firstof var1 var2 var3 "fallback value" %}
{% endfilter %}

Module contents