fobi.templatetags package


fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags module

fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags.get_fobi_form_handler_plugin_custom_actions(parser, token)[source]

Get the form handler plugin custom actions.

Note, that plugin shall be a instance of fobi.models.FormHandlerEntry.

{% get_fobi_form_handler_plugin_custom_actions

[plugin] [form_entry] as [context_var_name] %}

{% get_fobi_form_handler_plugin_custom_actions

plugin form_entry as form_handler_plugin_custom_actions %}

fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags.get_fobi_form_wizard_handler_plugin_custom_actions(parser, token)[source]

Get the form wizard handler plugin custom actions.

Note, that plugin shall be a instance of fobi.models.FormWizardHandlerEntry.

{% get_fobi_form_wizard_handler_plugin_custom_actions

[plugin] [form_wizard_entry] as [context_var_name] %}

{% get_fobi_form_wizard_handler_plugin_custom_actions
plugin form_wizard_entry as

form_wizard_handler_plugin_custom_actions %}

fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags.get_fobi_plugin(parser, token)[source]

Get the plugin.

Note, that entry shall be a instance of fobi.models.FormElementEntry or fobi.models.FormHandlerEntry.


{% get_fobi_plugin entry as [context_var_name] %}


{% get_fobi_plugin entry as plugin %}

{% get_fobi_plugin entry as plugin %} {{ plugin.render }}

fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags.get_form_field_type(parser, token)[source]

Get form field type.


{% get_form_field_type [field] as [context_var_name] %}


{% get_form_field_type form.field as form_field_type %}
{% if form_field_type.is_checkbox %}
{% endif %}
fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags.get_form_hidden_fields_errors(parser, token)[source]

Get form hidden fields errors.

Syntax:{% get_form_hidden_fields_errors [form] as [context_var_name] %}
Example:{% get_form_hidden_fields_errors form as form_hidden_fields_errors %} {{ form_hidden_fields_errors.as_ul }}
fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags.has_edit_form_entry_permissions(parser, token)[source]

Checks the permissions


{% has_edit_form_entry_permissions as [var_name] %}


{% has_edit_form_entry_permissions %}


{% has_edit_form_entry_permissions as has_permissions %}

Render auth link.

fobi.templatetags.fobi_tags.render_fobi_forms_list(context, queryset, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Render the list of fobi forms.

Syntax:{% render_fobi_forms_list [queryset] [show_edit_link] [show_delete_link] [show_export_link] %}
Example:{% render_fobi_forms_list queryset show_edit_link=True show_delete_link=False show_export_link=False %}

fobi.templatetags.future_compat module

fobi.templatetags.future_compat.firstof(parser, token, escape=False)[source]

Outputs the first variable passed that is not False.

Outputs the first variable passed that is not False, without escaping.

Outputs nothing if all the passed variables are False.

Sample usage:

{% firstof var1 var2 var3 %}

This is equivalent to:

{% if var1 %}
    {{ var1|safe }}
{% elif var2 %}
    {{ var2|safe }}
{% elif var3 %}
    {{ var3|safe }}
{% endif %}

but obviously much cleaner!

You can also use a literal string as a fallback value in case all passed variables are False:

{% firstof var1 var2 var3 "fallback value" %}

If you want to escape the output, use a filter tag:

{% filter force_escape %}
    {% firstof var1 var2 var3 "fallback value" %}
{% endfilter %}

Module contents