Source code for

import imp
import logging
import sys

import six

from django.conf import settings

from nine.versions import DJANGO_GTE_1_7

from .conf import get_setting

# In Django a dotted path can be used up to the app config class. In
# such cases the old-school auto-discovery of modules doesn't work but we
# have a great Django `autodiscover_modules` tool then. In cases if Django
# version is >= 1.7, we use the Django `autodiscover_modules` tool falling back
# to our own implementation of it otherwise.
if DJANGO_GTE_1_7:
    from django.utils.module_loading import autodiscover_modules
    def autodiscover_modules(module_name):
        """Auto-discover modules."""
        for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
                app = str(app)
                app_path = __import__(
                    app, {}, {}, [app.split('.')[-1]]
            except (AttributeError, TypeError) as err:

                imp.find_module(module_name, app_path)
            except ImportError as err:
            __import__('{0}.{1}'.format(app, module_name))

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

__title__ = ''
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <>'
__copyright__ = '2014-2017 Artur Barseghyan'
__license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1'
__all__ = ('autodiscover',)

[docs]def autodiscover(): """Auto-discovers files that should be found by fobi.""" # For Python 3 we need to increase the recursion limit, otherwise things # break. What we want is to set the recursion limit back to its' initial # value after all plugins have been discovered. recursion_limit = 1500 default_recursion_limit = sys.getrecursionlimit() if six.PY3 and recursion_limit > default_recursion_limit: sys.setrecursionlimit(recursion_limit) FORM_ELEMENT_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME = get_setting( 'FORM_ELEMENT_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME' ) FORM_HANDLER_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME = get_setting( 'FORM_HANDLER_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME' ) THEMES_MODULE_NAME = get_setting( 'THEMES_MODULE_NAME' ) FORM_CALLBACKS_MODULE_NAME = get_setting( 'FORM_CALLBACKS_MODULE_NAME' ) INTEGRATION_FORM_ELEMENT_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME = get_setting( 'INTEGRATION_FORM_ELEMENT_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME' ) INTEGRATION_FORM_HANDLER_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME = get_setting( 'INTEGRATION_FORM_HANDLER_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME' ) FORM_IMPORTER_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME = get_setting( 'FORM_IMPORTER_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME' ) # Discover modules autodiscover_modules(FORM_ELEMENT_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME) autodiscover_modules(FORM_HANDLER_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME) autodiscover_modules(THEMES_MODULE_NAME) autodiscover_modules(FORM_CALLBACKS_MODULE_NAME) # Do not yet discover form importers autodiscover_modules(FORM_IMPORTER_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME) # Do not yet discover custom field instance plugins autodiscover_modules(INTEGRATION_FORM_ELEMENT_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME) autodiscover_modules(INTEGRATION_FORM_HANDLER_PLUGINS_MODULE_NAME) if six.PY3 and recursion_limit > default_recursion_limit: sys.setrecursionlimit(default_recursion_limit)