Source code for fobi.helpers

Helpers module. This module can be safely imported from any fobi (sub)module,
since it never imports from any of the fobi (sub)modules (except for the
`fobi.constants` and `fobi.exceptions` modules).
import glob
import logging
import os
import shutil
import uuid

from autoslug.settings import slugify

from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
# from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.files.base import File
# from django.db.utils import DatabaseError
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.html import format_html_join
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from nine.user import User
from nine.versions import DJANGO_GTE_1_7, DJANGO_GTE_1_10

# import simplejson as json

from six import text_type, PY3

from .constants import (
from .exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

if DJANGO_GTE_1_7:
    import django.apps
    from django.db import models

if DJANGO_GTE_1_10:
    from django.urls import reverse
    from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

__title__ = 'fobi.helpers'
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <>'
__copyright__ = '2014-2017 Artur Barseghyan'
__license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1'
__all__ = (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# DEBUG = not True

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[docs]def do_slugify(val): """Slugify.""" return slugify(val.lower()).lower()
[docs]def safe_text(text): """Safe text (encode). :return str: """ if PY3: return force_text(text, encoding='utf-8') else: return force_text(text, encoding='utf-8').encode('utf-8')
[docs]def lists_overlap(sub, main): """Check whether lists overlap.""" for i in sub: if i in main: return True return False
[docs]def iterable_to_dict(items, key_attr_name): """Converts iterable of certain objects to dict. :param iterable items: :param string key_attr_name: Attribute to use as a dictionary key. :return dict: """ items_dict = {} for item in items: items_dict.update({getattr(item, key_attr_name): item}) return items_dict
[docs]def map_field_name_to_label(form): """Takes a form and creates label to field name map. :param django.forms.Form form: Instance of ``django.forms.Form``. :return dict: """ return dict([(field_name, field.label) for (field_name, field) in form.base_fields.items()])
[docs]def clean_dict(source, keys=[], values=[]): """Removes given keys and values from dictionary. :param dict source: :param iterable keys: :param iterable values: :return dict: """ dict_data = {} for key, value in source.items(): if (key not in keys) and (value not in values): dict_data[key] = value return dict_data
[docs]def combine_dicts(headers, data): """Combine dicts. Takes two dictionaries, assuming one contains a mapping keys to titles and another keys to data. Joins as string and returns a result dict. """ return [(value, data.get(key, '')) for key, value in list(headers.items())]
[docs]def two_dicts_to_string(headers, data, html_element='p'): """Two dicts to string. Takes two dictionaries, assuming one contains a mapping keys to titles and another keys to data. Joins as string and returns wrapped into HTML "p" tag. """ formatted_data = [ (value, data.get(key, '')) for key, value in list(headers.items()) ] return "".join( ["<{0}>{1}: {2}</{3}>".format(html_element, safe_text(key), safe_text(value), html_element) for key, value in formatted_data] )
empty_string = text_type('')
[docs]def uniquify_sequence(sequence): """Uniqify sequence. Makes sure items in the given sequence are unique, having the original order preserved. :param iterable sequence: :return list: """ seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in sequence if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)]
def get_ignorable_form_values(): """Get ignorable for form values. Gets an iterable of form values to ignore. :return iterable: """ return [None, empty_string]
[docs]def get_model_name_for_object(obj): """Get model name for object. Django version agnostic.""" return obj._meta.model_name if DJANGO_GTE_1_7 else obj._meta.module_name # ***************************************************************************** # ***************************************************************************** # ****************************** File helpers ********************************* # ***************************************************************************** # *****************************************************************************
[docs]def ensure_unique_filename(destination): """Makes sure filenames are never overwritten. :param string destination: :return string: """ if os.path.exists(destination): filename, extension = os.path.splitext(destination) return "{0}_{1}{2}".format(filename, uuid.uuid4(), extension) else: return destination
[docs]def handle_uploaded_file(upload_dir, image_file): """Handle uploaded files. :param django.core.files.uploadedfile.InMemoryUploadedFile image_file: :return string: Path to the image (relative). """ upload_dir_absolute_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, upload_dir) # Create path if doesn't exist yet if not os.path.exists(upload_dir_absolute_path): os.makedirs(upload_dir_absolute_path) if isinstance(image_file, File): destination_path = ensure_unique_filename( os.path.join(upload_dir_absolute_path, ) image_filename = with open(destination_path, 'wb+') as destination: image_filename = os.path.basename( for chunk in image_file.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) return os.path.join(upload_dir, image_filename) return image_file
[docs]def delete_file(image_file): """Delete file from disc.""" try: # Delete the main file. file_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, image_file) os.remove(file_path) # Delete the sized version of it. files = glob.glob("{0}*".format(file_path)) for __f in files: try: os.remove(__f) except Exception as err: logger.debug(str(err)) # If all goes well... return True except Exception as err: logger.debug(str(err)) return False
[docs]def clone_file(upload_dir, source_filename, relative_path=True): """ Clones the file. :param string source_filename: Source filename. :return string: Filename of the cloned file. """ if source_filename.startswith(upload_dir): source_filename = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, source_filename) destination_filename = ensure_unique_filename(source_filename) try: shutil.copyfile(source_filename, destination_filename) if relative_path: destination_filename = destination_filename.replace( settings.MEDIA_ROOT, '' ) if destination_filename.startswith('/'): destination_filename = destination_filename[1:] return destination_filename except Exception as err: logger.debug(str(err))
def extract_file_path(name): """Extracts the file path. :param string name: :return string: """ return os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, name) # ***************************************************************************** # ***************************************************************************** # ****************************** Model helpers ******************************** # ***************************************************************************** # *****************************************************************************
[docs]def get_registered_models(ignore=[]): """Gets registered models as list. :param iterable ignore: Ignore the following content types (should be in ``app_label.model`` format (example ``auth.User``). :return list: """ if DJANGO_GTE_1_7: get_models = django.apps.apps.get_models else: def get_models(): """Get models.""" return models.get_models(include_auto_created=True) registered_models = [("{0}.{1}".format(_m._meta.app_label, _m._meta.model_name), _m._meta.object_name) for _m in get_models()] # registered_models = [] # try: # content_types = ContentType._default_manager.all() # # for content_type in content_types: # # model = content_type.model_class() # content_type_id = "{0}.{1}".format( # content_type.app_label, content_type.model # ) # if content_type_id not in ignore: # registered_models.append( # (content_type_id, # ) # except DatabaseError as err: # logger.debug(str(err)) return registered_models
[docs]def get_app_label_and_model_name(path): """Gets app_label and model_name from the path given. :param str path: Dotted path to the model (without ".model", as stored in the Django `ContentType` model. :return tuple: app_label, model_name """ parts = path.split('.') return (''.join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1]) # ***************************************************************************** # ***************************************************************************** # ****************************** Admin helpers ******************************** # ***************************************************************************** # *****************************************************************************
[docs]def admin_change_url(app_label, module_name, object_id, extra_path='', url_title=None): """ Gets an admin change URL for the object given. :param str app_label: :param str module_name: :param int object_id: :param str extra_path: :param str url_title: If given, an HTML a tag is returned with `url_title` as the tag title. If left to None just the URL string is returned. :return str: """ try: url = reverse('admin:{0}_{1}_change'.format(app_label, module_name), args=[object_id]) + extra_path if url_title: return u'<a href="{0}">{1}</a>'.format(url, url_title) else: return url except Exception: return None # ***************************************************************************** # ***************************************************************************** # ****************************** Fobi data helpers **************************** # ***************************************************************************** # *****************************************************************************
[docs]def update_plugin_data(entry, request=None): """Update plugin data. Update plugin data of a given entry. """ if entry: plugin = entry.get_plugin(request=request) logger.debug(plugin) if plugin: return plugin._update_plugin_data(entry)
[docs]def get_select_field_choices(raw_choices_data, key_type=None, value_type=None, fail_silently=True): """Get select field choices. Used in ``radio``, ``select`` and other choice based fields. :param str raw_choices_data: :param type key_type: :param type value_type: :param bool fail_silently: :return list: """ choices = [] # Holds return value keys = set([]) # For checking uniqueness of keys values = set([]) # For checking uniqueness of values # Looping through the raw data for choice in raw_choices_data.split('\n'): choice = choice.strip() # If comma separated key, value if ',' in choice: key, value = choice.split(',', 1) key = key.strip() # If type specified, cast to the type if key_type and key is not None: try: key = key_type(key) except (ValueError, TypeError): return [] if fail_silently else None value = value.strip() # If type specified, cast to the type if value_type and value is not None: try: value = value_type(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): return [] if fail_silently else None if key is not None \ and key not in keys \ and value not in values: choices.append((key, value)) keys.add(key) values.add(value) # If key is also the value else: choice = choice.strip() if choice is not None \ and choice not in keys \ and choice not in values: choices.append((choice, choice)) keys.add(choice) values.add(choice) return choices
[docs]def validate_initial_for_choices(plugin_form, field_name_choices='choices', field_name_initial='initial'): """Validate init for choices. Validates the initial value for the choices given. :param fobi.base.BaseFormFieldPluginForm plugin_form: :param str field_name_choices: :param str field_name_initial: :return str: """ available_choices = dict( get_select_field_choices(plugin_form.cleaned_data[field_name_choices]) ).keys() if plugin_form.cleaned_data[field_name_initial] \ and not plugin_form.cleaned_data[field_name_initial] \ in available_choices: raise forms.ValidationError( _("Invalid value for initial: {0}. Should be any of the following" ": {1}".format(plugin_form.cleaned_data[field_name_initial], ','.join(available_choices))) ) return plugin_form.cleaned_data[field_name_initial]
[docs]def validate_initial_for_multiple_choices(plugin_form, field_name_choices='choices', field_name_initial='initial'): """Validates the initial value for the multiple choices given. :param fobi.base.BaseFormFieldPluginForm plugin_form: :param str field_name_choices: :param str field_name_initial: :return str: """ available_choices = dict( get_select_field_choices( plugin_form.cleaned_data[field_name_choices] ) ).keys() if plugin_form.cleaned_data[field_name_initial]: for choice in plugin_form.cleaned_data[field_name_initial].split(','): choice = choice.strip() if choice not in available_choices: raise forms.ValidationError( _("Invalid value for initial: {0}. Should be any " "of the following: {1}" "".format(choice, ','.join(available_choices))) ) return plugin_form.cleaned_data[field_name_initial]
[docs]def validate_submit_value_as(value): """Validates the `SUBMIT_AS_VALUE`. :param str value: """ if value not in (SUBMIT_VALUE_AS_VAL, SUBMIT_VALUE_AS_REPR, SUBMIT_VALUE_AS_MIX): raise ImproperlyConfigured("The `SUBMIT_AS_VALUE` may have one of " "the following values: {0}, {1} or {2}" "".format(SUBMIT_VALUE_AS_VAL, SUBMIT_VALUE_AS_REPR, SUBMIT_VALUE_AS_MIX))
[docs]class StrippedUser(object): """Stripped user object.""" def __init__(self, user): """Constructor. :param user: :return: """ self._user = user if not self._user.is_anonymous(): setattr(self._user, User.USERNAME_FIELD, self._user.get_username()) else: setattr(self._user, User.USERNAME_FIELD, None) @property def email(self): """Email.""" return
[docs] def get_username(self): """Get username.""" if not self._user.is_anonymous(): try: return self._user.get_username() except Exception as err: pass
[docs] def get_full_name(self): """Get full name.""" if not self._user.is_anonymous(): try: return self._user.get_full_name() except Exception as err: pass
[docs] def get_short_name(self): """Get short name.""" if not self._user.is_anonymous(): try: return self._user.get_full_name() except Exception as err: pass
[docs] def is_anonymous(self): """Is anonymous.""" return self._user.is_anonymous()
[docs]class StrippedRequest(object): """Stripped request object.""" def __init__(self, request): """Constructor. :param django.http.HttpRequest request: :return: """ # Just to make sure nothing breaks if we don't provide the request # object, we do fall back to a fake request object. if request: self._request = request else: request_factory = RequestFactory() self._request = request_factory.get('/') if hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user: self.user = StrippedUser(self._request.user) else: self.user = StrippedUser(AnonymousUser()) @property def path(self): """Path. A string representing the full path to the requested page, not including the scheme or domain. """ return self._request.path
[docs] def get_full_path(self): """Returns the path, plus an appended query string, if applicable.""" return self._request.get_full_path()
[docs] def is_secure(self): """Is secure. Returns True if the request is secure; that is, if it was made with HTTPS. """ return self._request.is_secure()
[docs] def is_ajax(self): """Is ajax? Returns True if the request was made via an XMLHttpRequest, by checking the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header for the string 'XMLHttpRequest'. """ return self._request.is_ajax()
@property def META(self): """Request meta stripped down. A standard Python dictionary containing all available HTTP headers. Available headers depend on the client and server, but here are some examples: - HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: Acceptable encodings for the response. - HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: Acceptable languages for the response. - HTTP_HOST: The HTTP Host header sent by the client. - HTTP_REFERER: The referring page, if any. - HTTP_USER_AGENT: The clients user-agent string. - QUERY_STRING: The query string, as a single (unparsed) string. - REMOTE_ADDR: The IP address of the client. """ _meta = { 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': self._request.META.get( 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' ), 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': self._request.META.get( 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' ), 'HTTP_HOST': self._request.META.get('HTTP_HOST'), 'HTTP_REFERER': self._request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'), 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': self._request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'QUERY_STRING': self._request.META.get('QUERY_STRING'), 'REMOTE_ADDR': self._request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR'), } return _meta # ***************************************************************************** # ***************************************************************************** # ******************************** Export related ***************************** # ***************************************************************************** # *****************************************************************************
[docs]class JSONDataExporter(object): """Exporting the data into JSON.""" def __init__(self, data, filename): """Constructor. :param str data: Dumped JSON data (`json.dumps()`). :param str filename: File name prefix. """ = data self.filename = filename def _get_initial_response(self, mimetype="application/json"): """Get initial response. For compatibility with older versions (`mimetype` vs `content_type`). :param str mimetype: :return django.http.HttpResponse: """ response_kwargs = {} if DJANGO_GTE_1_7: response_kwargs['content_type'] = mimetype else: response_kwargs['mimetype'] = mimetype return HttpResponse(**response_kwargs)
[docs] def export_to_json(self): """Export data to JSON.""" response = self._get_initial_response(mimetype="text/json") response['Content-Disposition'] = \ 'attachment; filename={0}.json'.format(self.filename) response.write( return response
[docs] def export(self): """Export.""" return self.export_to_json()
[docs]def get_form_element_entries_for_form_wizard_entry(form_wizard_entry): """Get form element entries for the form wizard entry.""" form_element_entries = [] # TODO: Perhaps add select related here? for form_wizard_form_entry \ in form_wizard_entry.formwizardformentry_set.all(): form_element_entries += form_wizard_form_entry \ .form_entry \ .formelemententry_set.all()[:] return form_element_entries
[docs]def get_wizard_form_field_value_from_session(request, wizard_view_name, form_key, field_name, fail_silently=True): """Get wizard form field value from session. This is what we could have: >>> request.session['wizard_form_wizard_view']['step_data'] >>> { >>> 'slider-form': { >>> 'csrfmiddlewaretoken': ['DhINThGTgQ50e2lDnGG4nYrG0a'], >>> 'slider-form-test_slider': ['14'], >>> 'form_wizard_view-current_step': ['slider-form'], >>> 'slider-form-test_email': [''] >>> } >>> } Note, that we know nothing about the types here, type conversion should be done manually. The values returned are strings always. :param django.http.HttpRequest request: :param str wizard_view_name: :param str form_key: Typically, this would be the step name (form slug). :param str field_name: Field name. :param bool fail_silently: If set to True, no errors raised. :return str: Since everything in session is stored as string. """ # Field name in the session contains the form key session_field_name = "{0}-{1}".format(form_key, field_name) if not fail_silently: return request.session[wizard_view_name]['step_data'][form_key][ session_field_name][0] else: try: return request.session[wizard_view_name]['step_data'][form_key][ session_field_name][0] except (KeyError, IndexError) as err: logger.error(err) return None
[docs]def get_wizard_form_field_value_from_post(request, wizard_view_name, form_key, field_name, fail_silently=True): """Get wizard form field value from POST. This is what we could have: >>> request.POST >>> { >>> 'csrfmiddlewaretoken': ['kEprTL218a8HNcC02QefNNnF'], >>> 'slider-form-test_slider': ['14'], >>> 'form_wizard_view-current_step': ['slider-form'], >>> 'slider-form-test_email': [''] >>> } Note, that we know nothing about the types here, type conversion should be done manually. The values returned are strings always. :param django.http.HttpRequest request: :param str wizard_view_name: :param str form_key: Typically, this would be the step name (form slug). :param str field_name: Field name. :param bool fail_silently: If set to True, no errors raised. :return str: Since everything in session is stored as string. """ # Field name in the POST contains the form key form_field_name = "{0}-{1}".format(form_key, field_name) # current_step_name = "{0}-{1}".format(wizard_view_name, form_key) if not fail_silently: # if not (current_step_name in request.POST and # request.POST[current_step_name] == form_key): # return None return request.POST[form_field_name] else: try: # if not (current_step_name in request.POST and # request.POST[current_step_name] == form_key): # return None return request.POST[form_field_name] except (KeyError, IndexError) as err: logger.error(err) return None
[docs]def get_wizard_form_field_value_from_request(request, wizard_view_name, form_key, field_name, fail_silently=True, session_priority=False): """Get wizard form field value from request. Note, that we know nothing about the types here, type conversion should be done manually. The values returned are strings always. :param django.http.HttpRequest request: :param str wizard_view_name: :param str form_key: Typically, this would be the step name (form slug). :param str field_name: Field name. :param bool fail_silently: If set to True, no errors raised. :param bool session_priority: If set to True, first try to read from session. :return str: Since everything in session is stored as string. """ if session_priority: # First try session value = get_wizard_form_field_value_from_session( request, wizard_view_name, form_key, field_name, fail_silently ) if value is not None: return value # Then try POST if request.method == 'POST': value = get_wizard_form_field_value_from_post( request, wizard_view_name, form_key, field_name, fail_silently ) else: # First try POST if request.method == 'POST': value = get_wizard_form_field_value_from_post( request, wizard_view_name, form_key, field_name, fail_silently ) if value is not None: return value # Then try session value = get_wizard_form_field_value_from_session( request, wizard_view_name, form_key, field_name, fail_silently ) return value # ***************************************************************************** # ***************************************************************************** # ******************************** Export related ***************************** # ***************************************************************************** # *****************************************************************************
[docs]def flatatt_inverse_quotes(attrs): """Convert a dictionary of attributes to a single string. The returned string will contain a leading space followed by key="value", XML-style pairs. In the case of a boolean value, the key will appear without a value. It is assumed that the keys do not need to be XML-escaped. If the passed dictionary is empty, then return an empty string. The result is passed through 'mark_safe' (by way of 'format_html_join'). """ key_value_attrs = [] boolean_attrs = [] for attr, value in attrs.items(): if isinstance(value, bool): if value: boolean_attrs.append((attr,)) else: key_value_attrs.append((attr, value)) return ( format_html_join("", " {}='{}'", sorted(key_value_attrs)) + format_html_join("", " {}", sorted(boolean_attrs)) )