Source code for fobi.contrib.plugins.form_handlers.mail.callbacks

from .....base import FormCallback, get_processed_form_data
from .....constants import CALLBACK_FORM_VALID
from .....helpers import safe_text
from .helpers import send_mail
from .mixins import MailHandlerMixin
from .settings import (

__title__ = "fobi.contrib.plugins.form_handlers.mail.callbacks"
__author__ = "Artur Barseghyan <>"
__copyright__ = "2014-2019 Artur Barseghyan"
__license__ = "GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1"
__all__ = ("AutoFormMail",)

[docs]class AutoFormMail(FormCallback, MailHandlerMixin): """Auto mail form entries. Note, that this callback is not active. In order to activate it, you should import the ``AutoFormMail`` and register it using the callback register as follows. >>> from fobi.base import form_callback_registry >>> from fobi.contrib.plugins.form_handlers.mail.callbacks import ( >>> AutoFormMail >>> ) >>> form_callback_registry.register(AutoFormMail) """ stage = CALLBACK_FORM_VALID
[docs] def callback(self, form_entry, request, form): """Callback. :param form_entry: :param request: :param form: :return: """ form_element_entries = form_entry.formelemententry_set.all() base_url = self.get_base_url(request) # Clean up the values, leave our content fields and empty values. field_name_to_label_map, cleaned_data = get_processed_form_data( form, form_element_entries ) rendered_data = self.get_rendered_data( cleaned_data, field_name_to_label_map, base_url ) files = self._prepare_files(request, form) self.send_email(rendered_data, files)
[docs] def send_email(self, rendered_data, files): """Send email. Might be used in integration packages. """ # Handling more than one email address if isinstance(AUTO_MAIL_TO, (list, tuple)): to_email = AUTO_MAIL_TO else: # Assume that it's string to_email = AUTO_MAIL_TO.split(MULTI_EMAIL_FIELD_VALUE_SPLITTER) send_mail( safe_text(AUTO_MAIL_SUBJECT), "{0}\n\n{1}".format( safe_text(AUTO_MAIL_BODY), "".join(rendered_data) ), AUTO_MAIL_FROM, to_email, fail_silently=False, attachments=files.values(), )